OGF Services

Sharing Odin's Smile

Bring more smiles to children by helping to provide the specialized equipment they need that is typically denied by insurance

Health care worker support

Providing care packages to medical staff who care for children with complex medical needs.

Odin's Valkyries

Help provide dignity and honor in death to our fallen little warriors by assisting with the expense of final arrangements.

Shaing Odin's Wisdom

Educational resources coming soon.

Helping to provide adaptive equipment

Items like supportive seating, swings, wagons, AAC devices, and standers are typically denied by insurance on the grounds they are “not medically necessary.” We at the Odin George Foundation know these items can open up the doors to the world and let kids do what they do best – be kids.

Odin's Valkyries

This journey is a difficult one and these little warriors deserve to be honored.  The valkyries can help carry on the memory of your fallen warriors as they travel to where we cannot follow.